Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Hip Talks!!

The last few days I've noted increasing right hip pain, not the usual right knee pain, but actual "in the HIP" pain. I believe it is telling me it agrees to be cut open, cleaned out, and repaired!! The last 2 years have been mostly the pain in the right knee driving me nuts, and the ortho dr telling me if he fixes the hip, the knee pain takes a powder. So, we'll see! Mobility impairment I will have til I dance in Heaven, but whatever days I have left here on this side of the Eternal Curtain, I'd be so thankful to spend them in less pain. (And my life is soooo easy!! I wonder what the poor people with REAL problems ask for??)
The new hip will need a name. My scooter is "Lucy", but what to call the new hip? "Ball-in-Socket"? "Baldie-in-a-cup"? "The Joint"? "New Hep Hip?" "Metal Ball"?
Any suggestions will be appreciated. It helps me if I name things I need as assistive devices. My old Kenny Stick crutches are "Righty and Lefty"; my shoe brace AFO is "Damn Plastic Thing", and my compression stockings (needed to lessen venous insufficiency since the blood clot in leg in 1999) are... well I just call them "You shittin' Things" because they are difficult to put on and at times painful to wear all day even tho they help a lot. In summer, the sox get another name because they are so hot to wear, but I shant tell that name because it really ain't nice.
Something really nice happened last week when I was at Kaiser doing pre-op stuff. I checked in at the anesthesia desk, and the clerk there looked familiar to me. We talked a bit and she remembered me from when we attended the Covenant Church. She told me she recalled when I gave a testimony/talk during a service once that she has thought about often. and told me what I'd said had helped her a lot each time she thought of it. I recall it was at Thanksgiving time, and I talked about Paul's admonition from Philippians to be anxious for nothing and in EVERY situation, to rejoice and give thanks always. That talk was about 20 years ago!!! Imagine that! It just reminded me that God's purposes for our lives can be far reaching and long lasting even tho we may never know it!! So keep on doing good, with joy and thanksgiving, whatever your situation in this life.


Sasquatch said...

How about "Ball in Jayne"? (you know...like ball and chain?) What about "Hipster Doofus"? I know! "Old School Hippy"? Oh nevermind....I'll have to work on that one. very cool about the lady from Cov. You never know how God will use you touch people in their lives. I think about you when clusters come and I am humbled to know that my pain will go away for months at a time and it helps me deal. Love you Mom. Paying for the Surgery. Wish I could be there. Started the new job today and will keep posted on that.

Tara said...

I like all of Tim's names! And I'm sure he's PRAYING for the surgery , cuz if he were PAYING for the surgery - well, let's just say that you might be doing dishes to earn your discharge. ;)

Anonymous said...

then there's Huey the Hip... first cousin to "Louie the Lip"...

Anonymous said...

how about Sophie... then you would have Lucy and Sophie.. or if you don't want a girl's name, you could call it Bernard! Guess I'd better keep thinking huh?