Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Idaho vacation

well... it's back to work,sleep,eat routine after 12 lovely days in Idaho with TnT's family. They treated us so welcome-ly... Tara is a wonderful cook, makes super healthy meals, and taught me a lot about her adventure with food and healthy eating. Mike got to help Tim in the pizza kitchen and the business for gluten-free pizza crusts is growing. The kids were home on spring break and we got to shop, play cards, play Scrabble, and just talk and tell stories and bond. Will is progressing well and a change of school situation is in the works because he can learn so quickly and doesn't need to be held back by a slow pace of learning in a full classroom.
I uploaded lots of video to my youtube channel "grammajayne" for those interested in viewing the Idaho fam. they thrive there, and we had a lot of fun.
I get to work tomorrow and Friday, so will sign out and catch some zzzz's.