Sunday, May 13, 2007

48 hours later.....

A new day dawning......IV came out. PT got me up. Walked 2 steps out of my door with walker, then back in again. Sat in chair for 2 hours. Sat on pot for 2 hours... just kidding, that was only a few mins. Few bites of breakfast and lunch, altho what they try to pass off for food is a big joke.....either that or else I had my taste buds altered during surgery....weeelll, I admit that mashed spuds and gravy were good. I had Mike go down to cafeteria and buy me a tuna sandwich. Will try that soon. Feeling "mucho major hoy". Looking forward to watching Survivor finale tonight to see who wins the million, unless I fall asleep and snore thru it like my old roommate,(o.k. enough about her) Had visitors today and was glad. Joan recognized 2 of my nurses that took care of her when she was in for gall bladder surgery. I like me private room and with door closed, I don't hear the clatter. My "mantra" is, " drink, drink, drink, pee,pee,pee, breathe, breathe, breathe". Mike is coming back tonight. He had to go home and mow the lawn so he can be here early tomorrow and wait for PT and doctor to come in. Maybe I know more of the plan then about how long I might stay here. Happy Mothers' Day to all...have whisky in yer coffee for me and have a great day! and don't forget the whipped cream! (You know it sounds goooooood, admit it!!!!!) I can see you lookin for the bottle now!!! bye


bhmama said...

No whiskey in my coffee and no mimosa in my OJ either. Missed you at brunch today Mom. Every bite of the 6 desserts I ate was for you. I will be coming to see you this week with the best sandwich you can think of whether you like it or not. Braden wants you to come home so he can come over and show off for you. Happy Mother Day Mom, i love you

Anonymous said...

ok, these blogs are making me nervous now... do you have a wireless laptop propped up between yer knees?? or R U dictating word 4 word what will be said??? Sounds too-o-o--o much like Mz Jayne to be a ghost rider... I mean writer. Keep on gittin' better!! Good Job so far. Mz Syl