
Many milestones reached in the last week. I can now get out of bed by myself, go to the head by myself, and get my own pain pills as needed. Hooray! Hurrah! and OhBoyGoodie! Another biggie is that Joan turned 60 over the weekend.
she is so excited to be 60! She kept saying, "60 is the new 90!", "60 is the new 90!". No one knew what the hell she meant; we are still trying to figure it out; we dasn't dare ask her what she means by that statement though, because we are likely to get a more confusing explanation and then we'd all wonder which ones of us really have senile dementia and which ones carry a full load of marbles still. We are at that "don't ask don't tell" stage where we all suspect each other of being demented, but are afraid to confront others for fear of being exposed ourselves. So we avoid that boondoggle for the time being.
I am going to try to post 2 photos with this entry now. If I screw it up, the entry will seem incomplete, so forgive me, I am on drugs.
Happy Birthday Aunt Joan!! Jayne, I'm so glad you were there to help her celebrate her new 90! I love the pictures too!
You girls still look like youngsters! Jayne, things will just keep on gittin' better now. Before you know it you'll be able to climb up get down that bottle of Jim Beam that you hid away before the OPERATION.
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