Joan on left, Jayne on right. our natural hair in 1951.

This was 1953 probably, with John, and Dad is shown in the background.

Then in 1954 we got perms. Jim truly thought we looked lovely as you can tell by his face.

Jayne on left, (pissed off evidently)at Christmas 1955 (i think.) HORRIBLE perms!
The 1950's brought all kinds of hairdos, and home or professional perms were all the rage at times. There was a home perm brand called "Toni". The commercial featured a pair of twins and the refrain was "which twin has the Toni?" You might imagine the teasing this brought about when Mom began to get us perm brillo-pad-heads. I was so upset after one perm that I recall going into Mom's bathroom for an hour and wetting my bangs down to plaster them against my forehead so they would not be curly. I hated having poodle-head but we did what we had to do to fit the times.
Oh, the price of beauty!
Oh dear. Our poor mother. Not just one big-headed girl with unruly thick hair, but two! I bet these pictures will make some ladies grateful for the childhood hair THEY had. I do remember being shampooed with PRELL, over the kitchen sink, and then the awful painful comb out because Mom didn't use detangler-conditioner. That came later when we begged her to buy it, because we saw the commercials on T.V. Just another added cost to raising kids.
Speaking of PRELL, mom bought it in the tube (like toothpaste). It was emerald green and one small dab made enough suds to fill the kitchen. It made hair squeeky clean and increased hair volume by 900 percent. I can't remember if I tortured my girls with it. If I did, SORRY!
I was ecstatic when the Toni perm came along...up till then I would be hooked up to some sort of electric hair curler torture machine & left there until my hair was fried! Talk about frizzz!!
Ms Syl
First of all WHAT THE HELL? second of all, OMG what the hell??? in the last pic you two look like 8 year old grammas in candy cane PJ's!!! i can't stop laughing. i blame the Ogalvey home perm that you two clowns gave me for my frizzy hair, guess you wanted us girls to have matching poodle heads like you did. and yes, we did have to use prell, but only when camping for some weird reason. at home we were stuck with White Rain. thanks for the laugh ma, that was awesome! krimmy
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