There was a severe train wreck just over the hill from us on Friday late afternoon. A Metrolink passenger train collided with a Union Pacific freight train. The Metrolink train had passengers headed home to Simi Valley and Moorpark stations. Saturday Mike saw people gathered at a home 4 doors down from us, the home of Roger, so he stopped to ask if our neighbor had gotten home ok because he rides the train sometimes. The 2 grown sons told Mike they had not heard from their Dad yet. By late last night, all the dead had been ID'd except for 3 men and a woman. Today Mike stopped by our neighbor's home after church and found out that Roger, the dad, grandpa, and all around nice guy, didn't make it. The family was informed at mid-night that Roger had finally been ID'd as one of the victims.
He leaves a wife, grown sons and a little grand daughter.
All I can think about is the need to "be ready"; be ready to leave this physical realm at any time, you know not when, but one day we will each be called upon to go to another realm, ready or not.
Carpe diem.
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