Wednesday, June 25, 2008

High Tea?? Bloody Hell!!

I went on an adventure to Little Tokyo today with Joan and Cierra. We went to the Japanese Museum and saw all manner of displays about the Japanese adventure to America. They were treated as lousy as the Irish in the early days, and even more lousy in the years of "the camps" or internment camps during WWII. The history of what man does to man is filled with injustices all around. So what do we learn? That we all get along as long as we are separated and segregated. Seems to be the constant theme.
Anyways, after the educational part of the morning, we ventured into a newly opened English Tea House, and had tea! Joan and C are experts in Teas, but I am a novice. Everyting was delicious except for the olive and crabgrass sandwich which I didn't care for much. I did taste it though, and I refrained from my usual outburst of "PEE YEEWWW! THAT'S NASTY STUFF!".
We all acted like ladies, and had a nice time. The lemon mini-bundt cake was delicious!!
Probably Jenny Wren would laugh at us, but we felt fancy and very QueenLiz-like.
Joan and C have actually been in London for Tea; I can only imagine it. Tea in Los Angeles must be slightly different from Tea in London, wouldn't you gather? Ponder that.
C snapped this photo of the twins enjoying High Tea. One of us looks like she is leaning over to fart again, and the other one looks so dignified and proper!! Keep those pinkies out when drinking tea!


Sasquatch said...

Hey that looks like fun! Drinking tea and fighting over the only good food they give you. Cool!

Tara said...

yes, but did the one leaning over to fart start crying first - 'a cramp! a cramp!'