We have some OLD nurse friends from Massatwoshits visiting us this week. We went to Santa Barbara for a few days get away, and spend an afternoon in Solvang where one of us inspired the other 3 to have a photo taken. Lovely group picture if I do say so meself. We spent St Patrick's Day afternoon in Dargan's Irish Pub in SB; a good time was had by all. Much laughter, many more memories to share; maybe the friends can go home Sunday to 14 feet of snow and be happy for awhile... not! You're welcome to stay forever Carroll and Duffy!
Great photo. you all look so REAL! Sounds like a good time.
So happy that you guys got to spend time together Mom. Picture looks great! Sounds like you guys had a blast on your trip and was a great visit as always when Coll and Duff come to town! Was happy to see them on the web cam and I have good memories of our time in their house many moons ago...
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